Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Attack of the Zombie Students!

As I stood before my first period class Monday morning, I had an image in my mind of being pursued by my zombie students. You see, Monday was the first day back from a week long "Winter Break." I had anticipated a little bit of sluggish behavior, but not quite what I found...

Me: " How was your week off?"


Me: "Anyone? Anything good happen?"


Students: "Too short!" and "No!"

Me: "You mean to tell me nobody did ANYTHING worth talking about over your break?"

Students: "It was boring!"

While I didn't let the silence go on too long, I was shocked that my students had nothing good to say. I vaguely remember hearing a massive number of complaints the week before about needing a vacation. Granted, the responses got a little better throughout the day...but overall, the vacation was a bust!

What do you say to students who complain about being in school AND complain about NOT being in school?

So as I continued to ask each class of zombies how their week off was, I laughed to myself...which I seem to do frequently (!)...


Alane said...

I can get attacked by the zombie students after a normal two day weekend! I think they return to life at second period and remain alive until the next morning - at first period where they return to their zombie state.

Alane said...

We are currently doing Terra Nova testing.
Uhgg! The zombies are in full force!
Today, I took them for walks in the afternoon to just wake them up.