Monday, February 05, 2007

Don't Forget to Write Your Name on Your Paper!

I suppose my pet peeve is taking time to methodically check a homework assignment only to find that the paper has no owner. Okay, so I'm sure the paper actually had an owner but the owner chose not to identify themselves. I often remind students that I put unidentified homework papers (UHP's) in my circular file (trash can).

One of my creative students took this a little too far the other day. I noticed this, normally "not so motivated" student working diligently on his review problems in class the other day. I decided to walk by to encourage him and ask if he had any questions. As I got near, I noticed that the student had created a magnificent graffitti drawing of his name covering the whole paper! Somewhat peeved, I asked him if he would consider getting to the actual math problems...

His answer: "What? I was just putting my name on my paper."

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